MUSING and grumbling is created and authored (occasionally) by me: educator, researcher, editor, writer, campus radio host, public speaker and consultant Laura M. Wiebe.
I'm fascinated by and with stories, ideas, music, basketball, science and technology, popular culture and things generally referred to as animals and nature. I value pretty much anything that promotes or contributes to social, environmental, planetary, and interspecies justice. I do not knowingly support anything contrary to these values.
In the blog portion of this site I comment now and then on the topics and issues that interest me. If you want a line on some of my other activities, feel free to check out the links below.
Thanks for dropping by.
The heavy metal show I co-host on campus radio: cfmu.ca/shows/65-kill-eat-exploit-the-weak.
The college where I currently teach: https://www.sheridancollege.ca/academics/faculties/humanities-and-social-sciences.
My professional profile: www.linkedin.com/in/lauramwiebe.
My scholarly profile: scholar.google.ca/citations and independent.academia.edu/WiebeL.
The metal music website I edit: hellbound.ca.
Additional audio I have produced: soundcloud.com/laura-wiebe-2.
Copyright statement: Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material from this site without express and written permission from the author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Laura M. Wiebe and Musing & Grumbling with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.